
Welcome to Cheer Skillz Academy!

We are so happy you are here! Please take a few minutes to read through this page very carefully as it contains some important need to know info!

If you have already chatted with a CSA staff member through email and have either picked your class, scheduled your free trial or are enrolled keep reading!

If you have not emailed or called yet but you have viewed the class schedule and created your account you may feel a little confused on which class to pick. That’s okay – we are here to help.

Go ahead and email us so we can schedule your free trial in the appropriate class for your child. If you have not created an account or emailed us to inquire do those two things first. Please explore our website as well! | 512-365-4263

The following ‘Need to Know Info’ is also on the iClass portal but can sometimes be missed. However, to enroll into a class, the policies must be accepted. We have written all of the important information for you below:

Fun, Fun, & More Fun!

  • Open Gym is the second Saturday each month from 6-8pm. $10!
  • Daytime Playtime is every Friday morning from 9:30-11:30am! $10 drop ins or $30 monthly membership!
  • We have a program for everyone! Explore our site.
  • We offer sibling discounts, multi class discounts, military and first responder discounts too!

Billing & Tuition

  • Monthly tuition is billed on the 25th of each month for the following month. Ex: January 25th pays for the month of February. This is automatic draft only, sorry no checks or cash. A card must be on file.
  • There is a ONE TIME registration fee of $35.
  • To CANCEL your tuition charge you must EMAIL before the 25th of the month your drop request. If you do not receive a confirmation email back stating “your drop request has been completed”, this means we did not receive your email and to please email again.
  • Some months throughout the year have more weeks than others, we do not charge extra for those months.
  • We offer unlimited makeup classes all year long. If you miss a class, simply email us and we will schedule a makeup class.
  • We do NOT refund if you cancel your membership after the 25th of the month. You can attend your classes or use your payment as a credit towards a camp, clinic or event within the same year.
  • Mistakes happen, we are only human. If a charge goes through that was not supposed to happen simply email us. Disputing a charge with your bank will result in permanent removal from our facility.
  • Again, There is no additional charge for months that have more than the normal number of class days. There is also no deduction for months that have less than normal class days, or holiday closings.
  • Failure to pay tuition forces us to take action in ways we wish to avoid. Failure to pay may result in your child’s removal from class, and your outstanding bill being turned over to a collection agency or small claims court. IF YOU HAVE A SPECIAL SITUATION, PLEASE CALL US. We will try our best to work with you.

Athlete Rules

  • Rule #1 Be safe!
  • No horseplay or fighting.
  • No food or drinks. Water in sealed water bottles only. No gum.
  • Put all of your belongings in a cubby.
  • Shoes and socks are recommended, or being barefoot while participating in class. Cheer shoes are recommended, if you do not have cheer shoes please wear Athletic/running shoes. No vans or converse, boots, crocs etc.
  • Please wear proper attire. Some examples are Sports bras and spandex, running shorts, t shirts, leggings, tank tops, basketball shorts. Nothing overly baggy as that can result in injuries. Feel free to wear your favorite cheer bow. If your child wears a leotard it must be one with full length shorts.
  • No jewelry.
  • All athletes hair must be pulled back securely into a pony tail or bun. Not doing this can result in injuries. We will have hair ties for sale if you forget yours. They are 25 cents and will be billed without notice to your account.
  • Athletes may not leave their class without permission.
  • Athletes are not allowed on any mats or spring floor until their class starts. They will be asked to go sit and wait in the seating area. The coach will call them when it’s their turn.
  • Athletes, when your class ends the next class will be starting so please go to the seating area find your parent then you can leave. You may never walk out of the facility alone. Parents you must pick up children under the age of 13 inside the facility.
  • Athletes must be respectful, polite and show good manners at all times. If a situation continues to be an ongoing problem, we may ask the advice of the parent. Any time the behavior jeopardizes the safety of your child, other students or staff, we will ask that the child be removed from the class. Cheer Skillz Academy reserves the right to refuse participation or dismiss any student from the program.

Parents and Spectator Rules

  • Parents please stay in the designated observing area. For obvious safety and insurance reasons, no parents will be allowed onto the spring floor or mats. Please do not step onto the spring floor.
  • We have an Open Door Policy. Parents are welcome to sit in the viewing area and observe their athlete. Please observe without distracting your athlete, this includes coaching your child during the class. Athletes need to be allowed to learn in a pressure-free environment.
  • Parents you do not have to stay for your child’s class or private lesson. You may drop them off and pick them up inside the building once class is over. Please communicate this to a staff member before leaving..
  • Do not be more than 10 minutes late to pick up your athlete. Cheer Skillz Academy does not take responsibility for any children left unsupervised before or after classes. If you are going to be more than 10 minutes late please call and let us know.
  • For safety reasons, children who are not CSA enrolled athletes are not allowed on any equipment or the spring floor. Siblings who come to watch class are their parents responsibility, and cannot be left unsupervised.

Thank you for reading our need to know info! As always, please let us know if you have any questions!