We are so happy you are here! Please take a few minutes to read through this page very carefully as it contains some important need to know info!
We are so happy you are here! Please take a few minutes to read through this page very carefully as it contains some important need to know info!
If you have already chatted with a CSA staff member through email and have either picked your class, scheduled your free trial or are enrolled keep reading!
If you have not emailed or called yet but you have viewed the class schedule and created your account you may feel a little confused on which class to pick. That’s okay – we are here to help.
Go ahead and email us so we can schedule your free trial in the appropriate class for your child. If you have not created an account or emailed us to inquire do those two things first. Please explore our website as well!
The following ‘Need to Know Info’ is also on the iClass portal but can sometimes be missed. However, to enroll into a class, the policies must be accepted. We have written all of the important information for you below: